I'm amazed/shocked/dumb founded with the current federal government's decision... each day, they are getting out of sync with the rakyat...
How the hell at this trying time when these 'leaders' keep telling us to change our lifestyle and be thrifty in our spending but at the same time giving raise to one GLC's CEO a 100% pay rise?
The 'best' part is... this GLC had just raised the electricity tariff which we the public off course will suffer even further...
Hallo... this stupid decision really driven people like me MAD... and once again the reason given is, this CEO deserved it due to the company is doing well...
Hallo... being monopoly, even dumb can make the company profitable... just raise the tariff, reduce the price from IPP etc. Presto... big profit & investment return to the company & shareholders...
Damn... we citizen going to pay more electricity to pay his higher pay...
Should the PM approved this... he once again giving us the signal that he is really a flip flop leader... gosh.... what a dumbest thing I ever see from a leader...
Can somebody save Malaysia please...
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