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Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Argh... it's my company budget time again...

To us in Business Development... it's a bull shitting time... how the hell we can predict what we gonna have for next 1 year? Year in, year out, we deliver totally different than what we put in budget papers but at least the bottom line is there... As far as we are concerned, the share holders need 30% growth and all we can say, we will deliver at the end of financial year... period...

Don't try to be too meticulous in asking us where, which market segment, which month for how much etc etc... hello... you set the 5 years plan and we are now in our 3rd year plan in which all these while, we work along that line... apa lagi mau tanya... sama saja la... let us enjoy our new year and holiday pleazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....

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