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Thursday, October 9, 2008

Pak Lah

Finally..... after long wait and speculations... our PM, Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi announce that he will step down next March... Thanks Pak Lah for being sensitive and put national interest above all...

I'm not incline to any party, be it PR or BN, even though most UMNO leaders really pissed me off with their greed and arrogant in the last couple of years... what I'm writing here is solely based on normal 'man on street' and non partisan Malaysian...

Going back to Pak Lah... as a person, I love him and admire him... he is a good person & administrator. BUT the bucks stop there... your down fall is your own family members and your short sighted thinking... you are not PM material that we expect... your leadership is always questionable and your overly trust to your 'General' rather than going down to grass root to hear for yourself is another factor...

Anyway, I do not wish to dwell further on this... I would rather look forward and hope for better... The main reason I'm writing here is just to say thanks to Pak Lah for listening to majority Malaysian wishes...

I do respect your decision and wish you happy retirement...

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