It's Zally...
When I speak out...
Here, I'll share whatever that come across my mind & any interesting articles/journal/opinion pick up from all over places... be it about my passion i.e. cars, sports & travel or any other matters like family, relationship, politics, my personal opinion on life etc etc...
Hope you enjoy reading this blog...
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Friday, April 18, 2014
6 Wanita yang Tak Boleh Dijadikan Isteri
1. Wanita “Ananah” : wanita yang banyak mengeluh. Apa yang diberi atau dilakukan suami untuk rumah tangganya semua tidak suka dan tidak berpuas hati.
2. Wanita “Mananah” : wanita yang suka meniadakan usaha dan jasa suami, akan tetapi sebaliknya menepuk dada dialah yang banyak berkorban untuk membangun rumah tangga. Dia suka mengungkit-ungkit apa yang dilakukan untuk kebaikan rumah tangga. Biasanya wanita ini bekerja atau berkedudukan tinggi dan bergaji besar.
3. Wanita “Hananah” : Menyatakan kasih sayangnya kepada suaminya yang lain (bekas suaminya dahulu)yang dikawininya sebelum sekarang, atau kepada anak dari suaminya yang lain, dan wanita ini berangan-angan mendapatkan suami yang lebih baik dari suami yang ada. Dalam kata lain wanita sebegini tidak bersyukur dengan jodohnya itu. Wanita sebegini yang mengkufuri nikmat perkahwinan. Dia juga merendahkan kebolehan dan kemampuan suaminya.
4. Wanita “Hadaqah” : melemparkan pandangan dan matanya pada tiap sesuatu, lalu menyatakan keinginannya utk memiliki barang itu dan memaksa suaminya untuk membelinya, selain itu wanita ini suka ikut nafsunya. Wanita seperti ini membuat pusing kepala lelaki. Dia ingin apa saja dia mau. Dia suka membandingkan dirinya dengan diri orang lain. Suka menunjuk-nujuk.
5. Wanita “Basaqah” : ada 2 makna:
a. Pertama : wanita seperti ini suka bersolek dan menghiaskan diri. Dia menghias diri bukan untuk suaminya tetapi untuk ditujukkan kepada dunia. Suka melawan. Uangnya dihabiskan untuk membeli make-up, kasut dan barang kemas. Wanita seperti ini juga sangat suka dipuji-puji. Kalau dia kebetulan menjadi isteri orang ternama dan menjadi pula ketua dalam kumpulan itu, orang lain tidak boleh mengungguli dirinya.
b. Kedua: dia marah ketika makan, dan tidak mau makan kecuali dipisah dengan yang lain dan disendirikan bagiannya.
6. Wanita “Syadaqah” : Wanita yang banyak bicara tentang perkara yang sia-sia dan lagi membisingkan sekitarnya.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
To both my wife... whatever been said. Deep in my heart you are still special.
I love both of you with all my heart & will take good care of you till my last breath.
No doubt, you have your flaw. Me too had a lot of flaw but I have accepted both as you are & my love will never diminish.
You have special place in my heart.
Thanks for being my great wife, mother of my kids & for loving me.
Sal, I love you with all my heart & still to date.
Emma, I love you too & will remain the same.
Your hubby
Thursday, March 20, 2014
In fact, it was never plan and she never ask me about this trip as she strongly believed that my first wife should be the one that follow. I offered my first wife 3 times and she still said the timing is not right and after all she already plan to bring the whole family in October this year.
With that in mind, only then I offered my second wife to follow. She resists initially but relented when I insists.
Hope this will avoid unnecessary accusation towards her.
As much as I wish to impart all my knowledge to the nation, I am guided by my employer instructions. Need to discuss further and see whether this will materialised.
It is almost over
From the outside I may be calm but only Allah swt know what really went on inside.
I perplexed to note people who claim to know me and close to me but the actual fact they don’t know me well. If they really know me, they will never be upset with whatever decision I make.
In whatever I intended to do, I always think very long and hard before coming out with decision. I weight the pros and cons in every aspects. When I decide, I have strong reason to it. Even if I am not particularly sure, I will perform ‘istiqarah’ prayer to seek HIS guidance.
I notice not many can comprehend with my decision. Sadly to note, when my decision goes their way, they will give full support and can be clearly seen in their action and words. But when decision goes towards their disadvantages, they will not hesitate to show it. They may try to lie but the voice tone and body language clearly show it.
Throughout my life, I am looking at somebody who really care, trust and understand me. Sadly after 45 years, I still could not find the person. I thought I had found more than four times, but all proves to me that they are not.
1. Mom & Dad
I love them dearly and I indebted to them forever. I am proud to be their son and will always love them. Unfortunately, they are not listening to my inner voice. But I never blame them because they have four other kids and now 7 grandchildren to think off.
2. Sis
I love my sister even though we hardly know each other well. We were separated from early age as she had entered boarding school in my early age and since then, we are brother & sister without really knowing well each other. I don’t blame her as this is fate and her priority is always her immediate family.
3. Sal
I love her even though she hardly said it to me lately. We know each other for more than 20 years and I admire her for her patience and care. She claimed to respect and know me, but time and again whenever things are not going her way, she will show her tantrum. She knew how I think unfortunately she refuse to accept the truth if it is not to her music. As human being, I make a lot of mistakes in the past, but she did the same too. Unfortunately no matter what I do, she will keep the grudges and use whatever my past mistakes to put every blame on me. I thought I found what I am looking for in her, but when she is been tested, I am deeply sad with the outcome. I always pray to Allah swt to test her and my pray had been answered and I accept the outcome. I will always keep my part of bargain in loving her and taking care of her till my death and just saddened with the outcome.
4. Emma
I started by symphatising with her and as I knew her further, I felt in love. She is somebody is had always been at wrong place at wrong time with wrong people. She is a nice lady and sadly her innocence made her easy target by most party. She had been accused with all kind of accusation and as I know her further I notice she is always opposite to what people said about her. My sole intention marrying her is to give what she never get since she was small i.e. love and care. And she deserved better than what she got all these while. Even though she may look weak, but she is very strong internally as she had never bad mouth or showed any disrespect despite of all accusation hurled at her. I knew everyday she get more ‘pahala’ for what people said about her. Unfortunately, she also never really understand me tried hard to see things from my perspective. Whatever it is, I will still keep my part of bargain to take good care of her till my death.
I had to date come to the conclusion that my search is almost over and what I am looking for is not available in this world. There is only one and only that truly understand me and my rationale i.e. my creator, Allah swt.
Allahuakhbar, Subhanallah and Alhamdulillah.
We often heard men complaining about their wife... how complicated the wife is etc etc... Yet, more often than not, we heard men who wishes to have more than 1 wife...
My advice... think long and hard enough... what you presume may represent 10% of the actual... in short, can you handle two in laws?
What is more important is your responsibility towards Allah swt... You must be fair...
What is fair? Giving everything equally? Yes and no... Equal in general eyes? NO... equal in details depending on each need, YES...
As a husband and knowing fully well of your responsibility, you know what need to be done... but to wife... nothing is equal... they always look at what the other have and tend to ignore what they have that the other side don't...
If I am gone
1. Just pray for me
2. Forgive me
3. Do not look for my body (if missing)
4. Do not fight for any rights
I had gone to where I belong and rest assured my owner i.e. Allah swt can do better than anybody in this world.
Monday, February 3, 2014
There are times, you really been tested... You have to think long and hard before decide on anything...
Firstly, your have to swallow your ego... put your priority of the mission you want to accomplish and once you have a clear mind... only then you act...
I've been tested time and again... to date I still keep my patience and hope I can continue with it... Ya Allah... gimme the strength for the sake of love ones...